
Kamen Rider OOO_Anything Goes!_lyrics?

さてー。私個人的に大注目の Kamen Rider OOO の 主題歌・ 「 Anything Goes! 」 なんですが、

発売前に、どうしても lyrics の内容を知りたくなりまして、


※【Attention! ! My delusion only, which imagined the lyrics is not so true, thank you to avoid any misunderstandings.】

<English translation of lyrics

[ Anything Goes! ]
Song: Maki Oguro
Lyrics: Seiko Fujibayashi
Composer: Tatsuo
Arrangement: Tatsuo · Koutaro Nakamura

(You count the Medals! One two and three!
 Life goes on! Anything Goes! Coming up OOO! )

I do not need, have, see my dream
Free state, I hope, too

("Start from here" What you've been Waiting for
 Count the Medals! One two and three!)
What you do is you destiny cheek
Proceed only after all

("Expand the unknown" Give me energy!
 Count the Medals! One two and three!)

OK! Blank always tomorrow
What determines the value of their own

         (Eiji  "HENSHIN !!")

(OOO! OOO! OOO! OOO! Come On!)

Anything Goes!
Their hearts things get hot, looking for something to be met.
Life Goes On!
If you really out to fight, would not mind losing


<日本語歌詞(Original Japanese Lyrics)>

Anything Goes!
歌:大黒 摩季
作詞:藤林 聖子
編曲:Tatsuo・中村 幸太郎

(You count the Medals! One two and three!
 Life goes on! Anything Goes! Coming up OOO!)


("ここから始まる" What you've been Waiting for  
 Count the Medals! One two and three!)
運命は 君ほっとかない 
結局は 進むしかない

("未知なる展開" Give me energy! 
 Count the Medals! One two and three!)

大丈夫!明日は いつだって Blank 

         (映二 「変身 !!」)

(OOO! OOO! OOO! OOO! Come On!)

Anything Goes !
Life Goes On!

【English by Google Translate】

・・・良い lyrics だな~。しかも、ライダー初の「スカ」ですよ!


最初聴いた時は、「うっわ、底抜けに 明るいやん(汗)」と、呆気にとられたものですが


しかし、大黒 摩季さん、やっぱりうまいっスねぇ~。


何やら、大黒さんのライブに、Kamen Rider OOO が、飛び入り参加したとな?



んで、この lyrics で合ってるか、確かめたーいっ!!!!!(笑)


【 Hiro Mizushima as little bit of follow-up 】

Actor Hiro Mizushima KENON leaving the office belongs "to concentrate on writing activities" that are expressed in the reviews, and Mizushima himself "an actor quit" 23 and denied that revealed .

Mizushima era was a classmate at Keio University and Mitsuhiro Nakamura Kansai-based Fuji TV announcer 23 "MEZAMASHI - TV" in what was revealed as Mizushima and email.

In addition, the program continues "TOKUDANE!" Too close to anchor Tomoaki Ogura in ayaka, e-mail revealed that there were similar contents from ayaka.

In December last year the singer Ayaka, and as his wife was leaving KENON, also confessed that the future is to continue in public life as a couple independent manner.

Taking into account the following claims by two Mizushima and Ayaka.

(1) ayaka last year's festival has already left the KENON.
(2) Mizushima not stop acting and performing arts activities in the future. General activities conducted across the creative industries as well as the author, including also an actor.
(3) that the two companies is not established fact, the music management company ayaka. Mizushima's management will also be there.
(4) The future does not belong to the production, where the couple work hard in the form of independence.

So far, KENON Mizushima about the "work out more to the table, want to concentrate on writing activities" and had had to offer.

Also, "still belongs to ayaka," but also described the official as of March this year, HP had already been removed and the profile. Has been completed by the end of last year's contract with record company Warner Music belongs.

Some say he left office at the time of interview ayaka wedding announcement in April last year has also emerged that the information had been fixed, is also facing two separate lines of the previous default.

In any case, the agency as well as the de facto two music management company, the future is likely that the couple walk together.

On this matter, KENON no comment.

(Some rights YAHOO! JAPAN News, English by Google Translate)


Hiro Mizushima くん、俳優やめないみたいですね。良かった♪





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